Upcoming Masterclass Webinars

The Live Longer Better in Hertfordshire Masterclass Webinar series is designed to supplement the national events. These webinars will be led by a variety of presenters from international experts to local deliverers and will cover a range of topics around Active Ageing. 

Updates for each event, as well as other relevant news, will be sent through the Live Longer Better in Hertfordshire newsletter, you can sign up here. 

Most webinars will be recorded and available to view here, however, there will be some that can not be recorded due to licensed funding reasons. 

If you have any questions about the Masterclass Webinars, or have any suggestions for a future webinar topic, please contact us at info@livelongerbetteirnherts.co.uk 

Parish, Town and Community Councils' Conference 

Friday 26th April 10:00am - 13:00pm 

Herts Sport & Physical Activity Partnership (HSP) is organising its bi-annual virtual conference for Parish, Town and Communities Councils. This year will focus on the important role of those local councils in improving the quality of life for Hertfordshire's older adults with a focus on Live Longer Better in Hertfordshire's mission priorities to increase physical activity levels, prevent falls and reduce the risk and effects of long term health conditions.

The World Health Organisation states that almost 500 million people will develop heart disease, obesity, diabetes or other Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) attributable to physical inactivity, between 2020 & 2030, if urgent action isn't taken.

Therefore, it's never been more important to promote the knowledge and understanding as to how our communities can contribute in helping its residents to live longer, healthier and happier lives, through the power of physical activity. 

The conference will be joined by:

  • Jonathan Owen, CEO of National Association of Local Councils who will showcase good practice from around the country, where local councils have been proactive in their approach to encouraging Active Ageing.
  • Professor Sir Muir Gray, knighted for his services to the NHS and national leader on the Live Longer Better Revolution, who will share how residents can be enabled to regain lost ability, improve physical and mental wellbeing and make an even greater contribution to society.
  • Annie Holden, Strategic Lead for Health at the National Active Partnerships, will explore the wider picture of health and the ways that councils contribute to the systems that operate. 
  • Hertfordshire's High Sheriff Annie Brewster who will discuss her theme 'Sport For Good' for her year in office (2024/25)
  • Richard Sutcliffe, director of Funding4Sport, will share the exciting FREE bid writing service available to all councils to fund inclusive physical activities provisions in the community. This offer has been funded through Live Longer Better in Hertfordshire.
  • Herts Sport and Physical Activity Partnership will share what resources, funding and support HSP have to offer to Parish, Town and Community Councils' to enable older adults in the community. Success stories of Councils that have already used HSP resources to establish provisions for older adults, will also be shared.

If you have any questions about the event, or the wider project, please email c.bird3@herts.ac.uk 


If you have any questions regarding the Live Longer Better in Hertfordshire Masterclass Webinars please contact us on info@livelongerbetterinherts.co.uk