Upcoming Masterclass Webinars

The Live Longer Better in Hertfordshire Masterclass Webinar series is designed to supplement the national events. These webinars will be led by a variety of presenters from international experts to local deliverers and will cover a range of topics around Active Ageing. 

Updates for each event, as well as other relevant news, will be sent through the Live Longer Better in Hertfordshire newsletter, you can sign up here. 

Most webinars will be recorded and available to view here, however, there will be some that can not be recorded due to licensed funding reasons. 

If you have any questions about the Masterclass Webinars, or have any suggestions for a future webinar topic, please contact us at info@livelongerbetteirnherts.co.uk 

Live Longer Better in Hertfordshire Celebration Day 2024
Date: Thursday 5th September
Time: 9:00-15:30 
Free to attend 

We are holding the second ever celebration event at the University of Hertfordshire's de Havilland campus and Hertfordshire Sports Village based in Hatfield.

The day, which is free to attend, will consist of a mix of keynote speakers, informative marketplace and physical activity sessions. Discover innovative ways to stay strong, maintain balance, enhance flexibility, and foster a sense of community.

Please bring a water bottle on the day, as there are water fountain facilities available to use. Wear comfortable clothing and supportive shoes. All equipment will be provided for on the day.

Watch the video from last years event below


If you have any questions regarding the Live Longer Better in Hertfordshire Masterclass Webinars please contact us on info@livelongerbetterinherts.co.uk